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In this blog post, we will delve into ConData’s CORE (ConData Overcharge Recovery Engine), a proprietary recovery engine designed to revolutionize the transportation industry’s freight post-audit process. We’ll explore its capabilities, scalability, and future prospects, all while gaining insights from ConData’s esteemed Chief Technology Officer, Dave Rhodes.

What is CORE? CORE stands for the “ConData Overcharge Recovery Engine.” It serves as the backend system that systematically assists in identifying overcharges for our freight clients.

How does CORE enhance ConData’s freight auditing process? CORE works in tandem with our expert auditors, complementing their efforts by exponentially reducing manual audit work. This allows our team to focus on uncovering complex, hidden overcharges that competitors often overlook. ConData operates as a hybrid model, combining technology and expert audit staff to leverage decades of experience and provide smart, actionable, data-driven insights.

How much data can CORE handle? ConData currently processes and cleanses over $45 billion dollars in freight spend, showcasing the immense capacity of our systems. We have developed the knowhow to accept a plethora of data formats, ensuring a seamless experience for our clients. CORE can not only ingest, but also transform complicated data – it’s constantly learning as the code behind the engine is updated daily. This means our system will never stop progressing and claims filing outcomes become better over time. CORE does the heavy lifting to get the right data to our audit systems and in the hands of our audit team faster. As a result, data is processed more efficiently and with insights that help us file the right claims so clients get their money back faster.

How does ConData manage scaling, especially with enterprise clients? CORE is specifically designed to handle massive datasets. Unlike our competitors who rely on more archaic approaches like spreadsheets and access tables, CORE is a state-of-the-art software engineering product that is built using enterprise-class platforms, languages and databases. We do not need to waste a client’s valuable time getting data sent over. We hire skilled software and database engineers with expertise in enhancing code to ensure that the highest level of scalability and performance is consistently added to our system. With our commitment to technological advancement, we are transforming the way large shippers manage freight post-audit, promising a bright future and successful outcome for our clients. That’s the ConData difference.

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